Federal and State Funded Sexual Health Education Programs in Washington State

Washington Youth Sexual Health Plan (WYSH)

The WYSH Plan is a guide for planning programs, advocating for policy, procuring funding, and educating stakeholders to support the sexual health of Washington's youth. It emphasizes the responsibility of state and local governments, schools, community-based organizations and adults to ensure the availability of accurate information, skill-building education, and quality health services for all youth. The plan also recognizes the importance of youth being centrally involved in defining their own needs and in identifying programs and policies that support their health.

Graduation, Reality and Dual Role Skills (GRADS)

Department of Health – Maternal and Child Health in collaboration with the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction will work in 15 school districts to provide training for pregnant and parenting teen mothers and fathers in positive self, pregnancy, parenting, and economic independence. GRADS programs include onsite childcare and skill building opportunities.